Every Child has a Right to a Mother and a Father
On April 11, 2014 Pope Francis received in audience a delegation from the International Catholic Child Bureau to speak with them about the rights of children. Among these rights, he emphasized the importance of children growing up in a family with both a mother and a father. Growing up in this environment is essential to a child’s development and growth, he asserted.
The Pope said, “It is necessary to emphasize the right of children to grow up within a family, with a father and a mother able to create a suitable environment for their development and emotional maturity. Continuing to mature in the relationship, in the complementarity of the masculinity and femininity of a father and a mother, and thus preparing the way for emotional maturity.”
Read the Vatican News story about the Pope’s talk here: http://www.news.va/en/news/francis-receives-in-audience-the-international-cat