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For Your Marriage

Teachings about Catholic marriage from our Holy Father.

Christian Love is Concrete

On January 9, 2014 Pope Francis celebrated daily Mass at the Casa Santa Marta. During his homily, he told the congregation that “Christian love is concrete.” He urged Christians to remain in the love of God, which presents itself through deeds and giving:

“You see that the love John speaks of is not the love of soap operas! No, it is something else. Christian love has a particular quality: concreteness. Jesus Himself, when He speaks of love, speaks to us about concrete things: feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, and many concrete things. Love is concrete. . . . And when this concreteness is not there, you can live a Christianity of illusions, because you don’t understand where the center of Jesus’ message is. This love does not arrive at concrete being: it is a love of illusions, like the illusions the disciples had when, looking at Jesus, they thought He was a ghost.”

Courtesy of Official Vatican Network: